
Choose your shipping method :

Home delivery
Pickup at the store

Receiver type


I will add the following note to my order

Accept terms

Protecting privacy and securing personal data are of utmost importance to Haldorádó! We request the above user data primarily for the use of the portal as a registered user. If you consent to newsletter subscription, we also process your data for advertising and other marketing communications. We process the billing information for accounting obligations. Your data will be handled in accordance with applicable data protection laws. By filling out and submitting the form, you consent to the processing of your data. For more detailed information, see the Privacy Policy.

Please select shipping method:

Please choose a payment method:

Bank card in advance (Teya) Pay by card in advance
Bank transfer Pay by wire transfer in advance
Pay on delivery Payment on receiving the package in cash or with bank card
+ 390 Ft
PayPal Payment by PayPal after placing the order

Order summary

Total weight: 0 g
Price of packaging
0 g
Shipping cost
Handling fee
Payable: 0

Used bonuspoint:

Discount in total:

10seconds until we redirecting you to the payment page.